Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Hello friends!
I apologize - it's been awhile since I've updated you all on my blog. With the cold weather and the super cold polar vortex that came blowing across the country, I've taken a bit of hibernation! But, things are starting to warm up, and my schedule is beginning to once again fill up with community events around Green Country! Before I fill you in on the latest events on my schedule, I'd like to ask you a few questions....Did you make a New Year’s resolution or set any goals to accomplish this year? Did you make plans to better yourself by finding a better job, finishing a good book, learning to play a new instrument, or perhaps to start working out and getting back in shape? AND FINALLY, have you been following through on your new year's resolutions?

Your friend, Fergie Bear, made a new year's resolution. I promised myself I would get in better shape this year! Just as for you humans, fitness & wellness along with a proper diet are beneficial for us bears; not only to keep our bodies fit and healthy but to keep our minds healthy as well. Fergie Bear is committed to a healthy life-style. As my friend Winnie the Pooh would always say, “A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.”

I know it can be a challenge working out and regularly exercising. I'd like to give you a few tips for making a healthy, active lifestyle a habit, and help get you on your way to fulfilling your new year's resolution. 

1.) Don't get discouraged by setting impossible goals. Set goals that you can realistically achieve. You want to push yourself, but you don't want to focus solely on one goal, that you forget about the hard work necessary to be triumphant. It's always helpful to set weekly or monthly goals. Reaching incremental goals will help your pride and motivation.

2.) Consistency is key. A study led by Phillippa Lally, PhD, a psychologist at University College London found that it took people 91 days of doing 50 sit-ups each morning for the behavior to become automatic. "Forging a new habit gets easier and easier as you gain momentum, Lally says. Eventually you'll stop counting the days… and just do it." - (Source: Huffington Post)

3.) My final tip, find a friend to commit going to the gym with you. Find someone that also has goals of creating an active life-style and someone that can help keep you motivated to working out and creating healthy habits. A buddy-system not only can help create accountability, but it can also make the workouts more enjoyable, and fun.

Good luck with your new year’s resolutions!
Fergie Bear is cheering you all on!

Comment below and let Fergie know how your
new year’s resolutions are going.

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